
Sandiway Golf Club

Professional's Golf Day

Friday 26th July 2024, White & Red Tees, Sandiway

(85% handicap allowance)

1st Graham Sayers & Janet Carter 48 Points - 2x £75 Vouchers

2nd Liam Gobin & Dean Kennington 43 Points - 2x £50 Vouchers

3rd Ian Taylor & Mark Alexander 43 Points - 2x £25 Voucher

Nearest to the pin in 2 on the 1st - John Morley - £25 Voucher

Nearest to the pin on the 6th - Stuart Richards - £25 Voucher

Nearest to the pin in 2 on the 8th - David Cross & Phil Gertrey - £25 Voucher

Nearest to the pin on the 11th - Adrian Hill - £25 Voucher

Nearest to the pin on the 18th - Alan Stones - £25 Voucher

TeamNett Results

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